We look forward to your participation. Viva la Musica!
Festival Dates:
The 2025 Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival will run from Monday, March 31st, 2025 through Friday, April 18th, 2025. Classes will be held at St. Paul’s Centre in Orillia ON unless otherwise noted.
Entry Dates:
The final entry date is January 31st for the following divisions: Piano, Pipe Organ, Strings, Guitar, Vocal, Community Choir, Community Brass, Percussion & Woodwinds, Community and Family Instrumental Ensembles.
The final entry date is February 15th for the following divisions: Drama & Speech Arts, School Instrumental, School Choirs and Creative Music.
Please submit entries on time. Forms received after the above final entry dates may not be accepted.
Our Mission…
The Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival provides opportunities for students and educators to meet, demonstrate and share their musical achievements and creativity.
Our Goals…
Make and provide opportunities for musical growth to raise the standard of performance.
Understand the value of music education and the importance of inclusiveness.
Support and encourage the performance of music written by Canadian composers.
Instill a lifelong appreciation and love of music.
Celebrate the art of teaching, study and composition and performance of music.
Registration Details:
- The Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival is open to participants who live in the City of Orillia, or the Townships of Oro-Medonte, Severn, Rama, and Ramara as well as the District of Muskoka.
- Students with special needs are welcome to participate in these Festival classes. Please indicate on the entry form if the participant has a special need. For more information contact the Festival Registrar.
- Official entry forms must be completed and accurately filled in, signed, and accompanied by the appropriate entry fee in a sealed envelope addressed to the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival Registrar and submitted by mail or hand-delivered to the office no later than the final deadline.
- Payment must be made by cheque or money order only. Cash will not be accepted.
- Entries will be accepted only if they are accompanied by the correct sum owing to pay the registration fees for the classes indicated on the entry form.
- If adjudication ONLY is requested, please indicate this preference by checking the appropriate box (A/O) on the entry form.
- When possible, please indicate the title and composer for each “Own Choice” selection on the entry form.
- Electronic Etiquette:
- The use of any type of camera or recording device is prohibited during ALL Festival performances and adjudications. Photo opportunities may be given between classes if time permits.
- All cell phones are requested to be turned OFF during performances and adjudications. The Festival Executive Committee respectfully asks that participants and audience members refrain from using cell phones during these times.
Grants & Post Secondary Scholarships:
The Festival Committee is pleased to announce that a number of grants and post-secondary scholarships will be available to participants in the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival.
To be eligible for consideration, the grant applicant MUST check the appropriate box on the entry form and submit the form to the Festival Registrar by the appropriate entry deadline.
Please note that post-secondary scholarship applicants MUST complete and submit a separate form to the Festival Registrar by April 1st. If you are currently a full-time music student studying at a post-secondary institution or if you have been accepted to study music full-time at a college or university, please download the Post Secondary Scholarship application.
All applicants will be reviewed by the Festival Committee and grants and scholarships will be awarded in conjunction with Adjudicator recommendations.
Various trophies will also be awarded in all divisions at the Festival Encores Concert held at the Orillia Opera House in May.
Meet the Adjudicators:
Click here to meet the adjudicators for the 2025 Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival. Check back often as updates are posted on a regular basis.
Do you wish to make a donation to help support the music festival? Please fill out this Fillable PDF Donation Form form and email it to email hidden; JavaScript is required or drop it in the mail (please see Contact Us page for address). It’s easy!
The Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival is very grateful for the continued support and assistance we receive from our dedicated volunteers. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a part of our team, please contact our Volunteer Co-ordinator, Sylvia Taylor, at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Please send general inquiries to email hidden; JavaScript is required
Special thank you to The Community Foundation of Orillia and Area for their generous support!