Division 5 – PIANO
Entry Deadline: The final deadline for entries in this division Jan. 31st.
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Please be sure to read all the rules and regulations and note the following:
- For classes where age limits are specified, participants must be of the prescribed age on the first day of January in the current year of the Festival. All participants must state their age on the entry form.
- In all classes in which the performance piece is to be the participant’s “Own Choice”, the selection chosen must NOT be a work for which the participant has received a Gold standing at any previous Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival.
- All “Own Choice” Conservatory pieces must be taken from the current syllabus of either the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) or Conservatory Canada (CC) unless otherwise indicated.
- Solo pieces are to be performed by memory. The adjudicator is advised to deduct five marks if a participant uses their music. However, memorization is not required and no marks will be deducted for the following classes: Studies, Duets or Trios, Adult Students, Creative Music, Accompaniment, Self-Accompaniment, Pre-Recorded Accompaniment, RCM Popular Selection, Improvisation, Quick Study and Sight Reading. Please note that memorization is not required during a virtual music festival.
- The music for each participant’s “Own Choice” selection will be collected by a Festival representative at the start of the class for use by the adjudicator. Please ensure that bar numbers are indicated on the score.
- According to Federal Law, it is illegal to copy documents which are copyrighted without first obtaining permission from the copyright owner. No photocopies will be accepted by a Festival representative unless there is accompanying documentation indicating permission to photocopy was granted by the copyright holder.
- Music that has been downloaded from the Internet must include a confirmation to indicate that it has been legally downloaded.
- Participants will receive a signal from the adjudicator to begin, after which they will be expected to announce the title and composer of their “own choice” piece before its performance.
- A certificate will be present to each single participant or participating group. Unless otherwise indicated under the class heading in the syllabus, standings will be awarded on the certificates according to the following scale of marks:
GOLD – a mark of 85 or higher
SILVER – a mark of 80 to 84
BRONZE – a mark of 75 to 79
PARTICIPANT- mark of 74 or lower - Any participant may request adjudication only. Please indicate this preference by checking the appropriate box (A/O) on the entry form. A certificate of participation and comments from the adjudicator will be given but no mark or standing will be noted.
- The adjudicators may award trophies at their discretion and these awards will be given out at the Festival Encores concert in May.
- The adjudicator may recommend one senior piano participant at the Associate level and one participant at each of the grades six, seven, eight, nine and ten Conservatory levels to represent the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival at the Ontario Provincials. For more information regarding the criteria for possible recommendation, please visit the Ontario Music Festivals Association website: www.omfa.ca

Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice’ piece from the current RCM piano syllabus at the appropriate preparatory level. Participants in the Introductory classes will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice” piece composed by a Baroque era (c. 1600-1750) composer that is listed in the current RCM or CC Classical piano syllabus at the appropriate level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not performed from memory.
Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice’ piece composed in the style of the Classical era (c.1750-1830) chosen from the current RCM or CC Classical piano syllabus at the appropriate level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not performed from memory.
Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice” piece composed by a Romantic era (C. 1830-1900) composer as listed in the current RCM or CC Classical piano syllabus at the appropriate level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not performed from memory.
Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice” piece composed by a composer of the late-19th, 20th, or 21st century as listed in the current RCM or CC Classical piano syllabus at the appropriate level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not performed from memory.
The piece does NOT need to be listed in a current RCM or CC syllabus. Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice” piece originally written for the piano in the mid- to late 20th or 21st century at the appropriate age and level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not played from memory.
** Note: Participants in Beginner classes (ages six, seven, eight & under) will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Beginner Repertoire
(approximate RCM Preparatory A to Level 1; or CC equivalent)
Junior Repertoire
(approximate RCM Levels 2 to 5; or CC equivalent)
Intermediate Repertoire
(approximate RCM Levels 6 to 8; or CC equivalent)
Senior Repertoire
(approximate RCM Levels 9 and up; or CC equivalent)
Perform a piece of your choosing originally written for the piano by a Canadian composer. Selections may be chosen from the current RCM syllabus, or the current CC Classical Piano or CC Contemporary Idioms syllabus or any piece by a Canadian composer at the appropriate level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not played from memory.
**Note: Preparatory Level and CC equivalent level will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Each participant is to present a mini-recital of three contrasting compositions, to be performed without interruption between the pieces. The performance will be assessed on the choice of repertoire and the variety in content with regard to period, style, key, etc. as well as on interpretation and technique. At least two of the pieces must be listed in the current piano syllabus of the RCM or CC. (Only one movement of a Sonata or other similar type of multi-movement work may be played. A Prelude & Fugue, however, is to be played in accordance with RCM or CC syllabus requirements and is to be considered as one selection in the group of three pieces.) The pieces played in this class may NOT be performed in another class in this division. Five marks will be deducted if any of the pieces are not memorized (memorization is not required during a virtual music festival).
Each participant is to perform the first or last movement of a Piano Concerto from the standard repertoire or any concerted work for solo piano and orchestra. The orchestral part (not adjudicated) is to be played on a second piano. Five marks will be deducted if music is used by the solo performer.
Each participant will be given a mini-lesson by the adjudicator on a piece of your own choosing. Neither marks nor standings will be given in these classes.
maximum 5 minutes performance, 15 minutes master class
maximum 10 minutes performance, 30 minutes master class
Each participant is to perform one “Own Choice” etude from the current RCM piano syllabus at the appropriate level. Popular selection substitutes are NOT acceptable in these classes. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Each participant will be given a short amount of time at the piano to examine the music provided by the adjudicator. Participants will wait outside the hall until their performance time. The level of difficulty is equivalent to that of the RCM or CC sight-reading requirements for each level indicated.
**Note: Preparatory Level and CC equivalent level will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Perform a piece of your choosing from the Suzuki Method Piano books at the appropriate level. Repeats are optional.
Perform any two published hymns. Selections do not need to be memorized, but it is recommended. All ages welcome.
Perform a piece of your own choosing from the current RCM or CC Classical piano syllabus. Participants must be 13 to 18 Years old. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not performed from memory.
Perform a selection of your own choosing appropriate to your level of performance.
Participants must be 19 years old or over. Participants will receive a detailed written adjudication and Certificate of Participation. Memorization is NOT required: neither marks nor standings will be awarded.
The performance piece in all of the following classes will be the participant’s “Own Choice” unless otherwise indicated. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Each participant is to perform an “Own Choice” piano piece that has a pre-recorded accompaniment to which the performer will play along. An original copy of the piano solo must be supplied to the adjudicator at the start of the class. Participants must supply their own devices to play the music accompaniment.
**Note: Participants in the Beginner level class (ages eight years & under) will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Perform a vocal solo of your own choosing while self-accompanying on the piano. The choice of music may range from Classical to Jazz/Pop/Rock etc. A maximum of five minutes is allowed for the total performance. The performer will have the option of singing into a head microphone that is to be provided by the performer or teacher. An original copy of the music must be supplied to the adjudicator at the start of the class. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Perform a piece of your own choosing, accompanying a vocalist OR instrumentalist OR small ensemble on the piano. The choice of music may range from Classical, Contemporary, Jazz or Songs from Movies or Musical Theatre. A maximum of five minutes is allowed for the total performance. Only the performance of the pianist will be assessed by the adjudicator. An original copy of the music must be supplied to the adjudicator at the start of the class. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Perform an arrangement of a published work of your own choosing. The choice of music may range from Classical, Jazz, Ragtime, Blues, Rock, Pop, New Age to Folk genre. Published music, either transcribed or arranged, is acceptable. Time Limit is 7 minutes for all ages. An original copy of the piano solo must be supplied to the adjudicator at the start of the class. Participants must supply their own electronic keyboard. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Perform a piece of your own choosing arranged or originally written for the piano in the Pop, Jazz or Blues idiom at the appropriate age and level. Five marks will be deducted if the piece is not played from memory. **Note: Participants in the Beginner classes (six, seven, and eight years & under) will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Each participant will improvise on a MINIMUM eight-bar theme (students in level 6 and above) or four-bar theme (students in level 5 and below) of their choice. This theme can be either the participant’s own or a “borrowed” theme. Originality, musical inventiveness, and structural unity will be the basis for the adjudication. A copy of the basic theme must be supplied to the adjudicator at the beginning of the class.
Performers must be prepared to turn their own pages. If someone else turns pages neither marks nor standings will be given. Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Perform a piece of your own choosing. The student only will receive an adjudication.
Each participating ensemble is to perform an “Own Choice” piece.
Each participating ensemble is to perform an “Own Choice” piece.
Each ensemble is to perform an “Own Choice” piece. All participating members must be from the same immediate family. Any combination of ages is acceptable. Memorization is NOT required. Participants in these classes will receive Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.