Division 2 – Schools
Entry Deadline: The final deadline for entries in this division Feb. 15th.
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- Participants are asked to be prepared to announce the title and composer of their selected pieces.
- Memorization is not required and no marks will be deducted if the music is used.
- An original printed copy of the “Own Choice” selection must be given to the session secretary for the adjudicator’s use. Ensure that bar numbers are indicated on the adjudicator’s copy.
- According to Federal Law, it is illegal to copy documents which are copyrighted without first obtaining permission from the copyright owner. No photocopies will be accepted by a Festival representative unless there is accompanying documentation indicating permission to photocopy was granted by the copyright holder.
- Music that has been downloaded from the Internet must include a confirmation to indicate that it has been legally downloaded.
- A certificate will be present to each solo participant or ensemble group. Unless otherwise indicated under the class heading in the syllabus, standings will be awarded on the certificates according to the following scale of marks:GOLD – a mark of 85 or higher
SILVER – a mark of 80 to 84
BRONZE – a mark of 75 to 79
PARTICIPANT- mark of 74 or lower - Any participant or group may request adjudication only. Please indicate this preference by checking the appropriate box (A/O) on the entry form. A certificate of participation and comments from the adjudicator will be given but no mark or standing will be noted.
- Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our 2019 Festival.
The performance piece in all of the following classes will be the participant’s “Own Choice”.

INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS – Elementary Schools
The performance piece in the following classes will be the participant’s “Own Choice”:
Woodwinds (Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone, Recorder)
Brass (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba)
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded
Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
World Music (Traditional Instruments)
Participants will perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin. Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e. European classical music).
Workshops (Any Instrument)
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS – Secondary Schools
The performance piece in the following classes will be the participant’s “Own Choice”:
Woodwinds (Flute, Piccolo, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Saxophone)
Brass (Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone, Tuba)
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
World Music (Traditional Instruments)
Participants will perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin, Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e. European classical music).
Workshops – Solo (Any Instrument)
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
CHAMBER GROUPS –Instrumental (2 to 5 players)
Elementary and Secondary Schools
Duets – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Recorder
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Guitar (Electric or Acoustic Guitar)
**Participants in the Primary Level classes will be awarded
Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
World Music (Traditional Instruments)
Participants will perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin. Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e. European classical music).
Trios – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Recorder
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Guitar (Electric or Acoustic Guitar)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
World Music (Traditional Instruments)
Participants will perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin, Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e. European classical music).
Quartets /Quintets – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Recorder
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Guitar (Classical Ensemble)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Guitar (Electric or Acoustic Guitar)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Garage Band – Electric Guitar Ensembles
Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Band Ensembles
This section is for groups of up to eight performers playing original or published arrangements. Play two selections of your own choice.
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
World Music (Traditional Instruments)
Participants will perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin, Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e. European classical music).
Workshops –Any Chamber Group (2 to 5 players)
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
SMALL ENSEMBLES– Instrumental (6 to 20 Players) – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Recorder
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Symphonic Orchestra (Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings)
Guitar Ensemble (Classical)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Guitar (Electric or Acoustic Guitar)
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Garage Band – Electric Guitar Ensembles
Memorization is NOT required and no marks will be deducted if music is used.
Participants in the following classes may include singing by the performer(s) while accompanying themselves on the ukulele.
**Participants in the Primary Level class will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Workshop –Any Small Ensemble (6 to 20 players)
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
LARGE ENSEMBLES – Instrumental (21 players or more) – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Recorder
Strings (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass)
Symphonic Orchestra (Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Strings)
Guitar Ensemble (Classical)
Participants in the following classes may include singing by the performer(s) while accompanying themselves on the ukulele.
Workshop –Any Large Ensemble (21 players or more)
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
VOCAL SOLOS – Untrained Voice – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Perform a piece of your own choosing from Classical, Traditional Folk, Pop, Jazz or Blues.
Languages used may be English, French, or Ojibwe.
**NOTE: Participants in the Beginner Class, Grades 1,2, & 3 will receive Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Vocal Solos
World Music
Perform traditional music of any culture that was originally created and played by indigenous musicians or that is closely guided by indigenous music of the regions of its origin. Note: World Music does NOT include western popular music or western art music (i.e., European classical music).
VOCAL CHAMBER GROUPS (2 to 5 singers) – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Perform two contrasting pieces of your own choosing. Languages used may be English, French, Ojibwe or the original language. It is expected that part-singing will be part of the performance.
VOCAL SMALL ENSEMBLES (6 to 20 singers) – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Perform two contrasting pieces of your own choosing. Languages used may be English, French, Ojibwe or the original language. It is expected that part-singing will be part of the performance.
VOCAL LARGE ENSEMBLES (21 or more) – Elementary and Secondary Schools
Perform two contrasting pieces of your own choosing. Languages used may be English, French, Ojibwe or the original language. It is expected that part-singing will be part of the performance. (SA, SSA, SA(T)B)
VOCAL WORKSHOPS – Solos and Ensembles
Workshop classes consist of a 15-minute session with the adjudicator. Please note that these classes are only open to participants who have entered at least one other School Instrumental Class in our current Festival.
SCHOOL CHOIRS – Elementary and Secondary
Perform two contrasting selections of your own choosing. Languages used may be English, French , or Ojibwe.
**NOTE: Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, and 3 will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Perform two contrasting selections of your own choosing. Languages used may be English, French, or Ojibwe. Each classroom choir may have a maximum of 30 students.
**NOTE: Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, and 3 will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Each participating group is to perform two selections of their own choosing. At least one of the selections should have a definite rhythmic pulse as its central feature.
**NOTE: Grades 3 and under will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
Perform a song from any type of musical play. Dialogue may be included. Performers are encouraged to wear costumes to enhance their characterizations and may also use props, set pieces, etc. Emphasis will be given to the overall dramatic interpretation in the Adjudicator’s assessment.
**NOTE: Participants in classes for Beginning Level (8 years and under) will be awarded Certificates of Participation. Neither marks nor standings will be given.
MUSIC THEATRE – Elementary and Secondary Groups
Each participating group is to perform a scene or selections from any type of musical play. It is suggested that the presentation include both dialogue and music. Costumes, props and set pieces may be used.